S.I.N. Audio PSD-10 CE (Carbon Edition)

 9,900.00 12,500.00

S.I.N. Audio stands for the best Power Distributors and Power Cables in the world. The main principles of S.I.N.’s SBMT – Silent Background Magnetic Technology applied to digital cables produces the most significant improvement in resolution and musicality.

  • Altijd persoonlijk en deskundig advies
  • Gratis audio-sessie in onze audio-room in Buren
  • Wereldwijde levering

S.I.N. Audio stands for the best Power Distributors and Power Cables in the world. The main principles of S.I.N.’s SBMT – Silent Background Magnetic Technology applied to digital cables produces the most significant improvement in resolution and musicality.

Available as carbon and regular version. Pictures are from the carbon distributor.

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